
All Boolean

All is a Monoid that will combine (2) values of any type using logical conjunction (AND) on their coerced Boolean values, mapping truthy values to true and falsy values to false.

import All from 'crocks/All'
import mconcat from 'crocks/helpers/mconcat'
const trueNum = All(13)
const falseNum = All(0)
const trueString = All('So true')
//=> All false
//=> All true
const allGood =
allGood([ 1, 5, 89 ])
//=> All true
allGood([ 'nice', '00', null ])
//=> All false


Setoid, Semigroup, Monoid


All :: a -> All Boolean

All is constructed by calling the constructor with any type a. This will return an All wrapping the provided value, coerced to a Boolean. For example, providing a non-zero Number will result in an All(true). While passing a zero results in an All(false).

import All from 'crocks/All'
//=> All(false)
//=> All(true)
All({ a: 0 })
//=> All(true)

Constructor Methods#


All.empty :: () -> All

empty provides the identity for the Monoid in that when the value it provides is concated to any other value, it will return the other value. In the case of All the result of empty is true. empty is available on both the Constructor and the Instance for convenience.

import All from 'crocks/All'
All.empty() //=> All true
All(true).concat(All.empty()) //=> All true
All(false).concat(All.empty()) //=> All false

Instance Methods#


All a ~> b -> Boolean

Used to compare the underlying values of (2) All instances for equality by value, equals takes any given argument and returns true if the passed argument is an All with an underlying value equal to the underlying value of the All the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not an All or the underlying values are not equal, equals will return false.

import All from 'crocks/All'
//=> true
//=> false


All ~> All -> All

concat is used to combine (2) Semigroups of the same type under an operation specified by the Semigroup. In the case of All, it will combine the (2) using logical AND (conjunction).

import All from 'crocks/All'
All(true).concat(All(true)) //=> All true
All(true).concat(All(false)) //=> All false
All(false).concat(All(true)) //=> All false
All(false).concat(All(false)) //=> All false


All ~> () -> Boolean

valueOf is used on all crocks Monoids as a means of extraction. While the extraction is available, types that implement valueOf are not necessarily a Comonad. This function is used primarily for convenience for some of the helper functions that ship with crocks. Calling valueOf on an All instance will result in the underlying Boolean value.

import All from 'crocks/All'
All(0).valueOf() //=> false
All('string').valueOf() //=> true
//=> false